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Dr. Mohamed Ali treats refugees in Rohingya camps

Lamya Abdulla
16 October 2022, MVT 10:44
Dr. Mohamed Ali: he noted that inadequate resources at the Rohingya refugee camp in Cox's Bazar City has made it difficult to provide good care to the stateless refugees in camp --
Lamya Abdulla
16 October 2022, MVT 10:44

Internal medicine doctor, Dr. Mohamed Ali from Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) visits one of the largest camp for stateless Rohingya refugees.

He visited Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar city as part of a medical camp carried out in collaboration with International Aid Campaign (IAC).

It is a refugee camp that houses nearly 1.2 million refugees seeking protection from the threats posed to Rohingya Muslims in 2017.

AIC said Dr. Mohamed Ali was treating patients at the only medical facility at the camp.

In a Facebook post made by Dr. Mohamed Ali, he said nearly 50 percent of the patients that seek treatment at the medical facility he is stationed at have skin problems. However, the facility is staffed with only general doctors, he said.

Due to the lack of specialist doctors and adequate resources, medical treatment is not available to them, he said.

"From the patients I have encountered, lots of them have pulmonary diseases. Issues like high blood pressure and diabetes is also common," he said.

IAC said that the opportunity to participate in these medical camps are open to other doctors as well.

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