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News / EPA

MM Exports vessel absconds from Maldives denying reef damages

Mohamed Rehan
12 July 2023, MVT 15:08
MM Export's barge capsized on Fuvahmulah reef-- Photo: Riza Ismail
Mohamed Rehan
12 July 2023, MVT 15:08

A barge belonging to India's Mohan Mutha Export (MM Export) capsized on a reef near Fuvahmulah City. However, the vessel fled from the Maldives before the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could initiate an investigation into the incident.

The barge, which was transporting rock boulders for the shore protection of Fuvahmulah City, capsized on the reef on Friday last week. The vessel left the country on Monday, July 10.

EPA's Director General, Ibrahim Naeem, stated that the barge involved in the incident denied capsizing on the reef and left the country without informing the authority on Monday morning.

It is alleged that the barge traveled out of Maldivian waters with the help of Mohan Mutha’s Maldivian agent Mainline Shipping. Naeem further alleged the vessel’s absconding was done by deliberately misleading the authority about the incident.

“Mainline Shipping said that they were informed that the barge had not capsized on the reef, and that they will share details about the vessel with EPA once it receives information. However, [the vessel] had absconded after dislodging the boulders [on Fuvahmulah reef],” Naeem said.

“We did not order to detain the vessel since they insisted it had not capsize on the reef. But photos and videos of the site reveal noticeable damage to the reef while the boulders had been unloaded there,” he added.

EPA has reported the incident to Maldives Police Service for further investigation.

Naeem also said that while Mohan Mutha has a history of its vessels capsizing on various reefs across the Maldives with significant reported damages. He added that although the company has been fined by EPA on numerous occasions, it has not settled a single fine.

Naeem further raised concern since relevant authorities have failed to take action against the company constantly.

“What is disheartening is that despite several cases against MM Exports and Mainline Shipping, no actions have been taken against them so far,” Naeem said.

“They have been destroying the reefs everywhere in the Maldives.”

Meanwhile, a media official from the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation confirmed receiving the vessel's report and added that it was investigating the matter with the support of relevant authorities. Besides noting that the authority will act according to standard procedures, the official did not disclose any further information regarding the matter.

The island's dive association has also raised concerns following damages to Fuvahmulah reef. In a statement, the association said that close to 350 meters of the reef’s area has been damaged due to the vessel’s capsizing. The impact had created several pits in the area measuring 5-10 meters in depth and 10-15 meters in width.

Earlier in May, another barge from MM Exports carrying rock boulders had capsized on Haa Alifu atoll Dhidhdhoo reef. Investigation and assessment of the incident has been concluded with EPA’s fine pending.

With a long history of capsizing vessels, MM Exports has had several of its barges and tugs including "Mutha Royal" and "Mutha Grace" running on to Kaafu atoll Fushidhiggaru reef in 2015 for which it faced MVR 110 million in fines. However, the company has not paid the fine till date while the government has filed a lawsuit against MM Exports with the Maldives Civil Court.

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