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Nihad appointed as State Minister of Tourism

Former Parliament Member for Addu atoll Feydhoo constituency Mohamed Nihad has been appointed to the post of State Minister at the Ministry of Tourism.

Mariyath Mohamed
08 July 2024, MVT 12:52
Mp Mohamed Nihaad (Feydhoo) speaks at a Majlis sitting.
Mariyath Mohamed
08 July 2024, MVT 12:52

Former Parliament Member for Addu atoll Feydhoo constituency Mohamed Nihad has been appointed to the post of State Minister at the Ministry of Tourism.

Mihaaru News reports he was appointed to the post on last Saturday.

With the appointment of Nihad, the Ministry of Tourism now has three state ministers; Nihad, Hariz Mohamed and Mohamed Ahmed Nazim.

Although he previously served as an MP, Nihad did not contest in the last parliamentary elections.

He switched to ruling People's National Congress in January after having been in the Maldivian Democratic Party.