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Court denies interim injunction to halt police promotion

Mohamed Rehan
20 December 2023, MVT 15:39
The main headquarters of Maldives Police Service; Shaheed Hussain Adam Building--
Mohamed Rehan
20 December 2023, MVT 15:39

Civil Court denies interim injunction to halt the promotion of Maldives Police Service officers.

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) earlier in October demanded the law enforcement authority to halt promotions, which the authority did not comply by awarding promotions to some of its officers.

The commission in response submitted a lawsuit against police to the Civil Court seeking an injunction on the promotions, which was rejected by the state.

The court on Tuesday, December 19, held that the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) was mandated with investigating allegations of corruption or misconduct and submitting cases for prosecution. The court further held that the non-compliance of the police with the commission's demand did not hinder the ACC from fulfilling its responsibilities.

Civil Court in its verdict held that the lawsuit seeking an interim injunction lacked all legal eligibility for it to be constituted as a viable demand.

While ACC has sought intervention into police promotion, several officers of the police top brass including the Commissioner were retired coinciding with the new government's inauguration. The state is expected to appoint a new Police Commissioner in the upcoming weeks.

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