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30,000 housing units to be built in RasMale' with China aid

11 January 2024, MVT 10:30
11 January 2024, MVT 10:30

Maldives has signed an agreement with China regarding the construction of 30,000 housing units in RasMale', President Dr Mohamed Muizzu's administration's largest housing scheme. This agreement is one amongst a total of twenty agreements signed between Maldives and China yesterday during President Dr Muizzu's first state visit to the country. Housing Minister Dr Ali Haidhar Ahmed, who is part of the high level ministerial delegation accompanying President Dr Muizzu on the trip, stated that 30,000 housing units will be built under the agreement. Dr Haidhar however refrained from providing details of the amount or form of aid China will be extending for the project. "We will be sharing those details only after we have held further discussions," he said. Hence, it so far remains unconfirmed whether the aid will be provided in the form of a grant, loan or otherwise. President Dr Muizzu has previously announced that RasMale' will contain 65,000 housing units.