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Government commences ambitious RasMalé initiative

Mohamed Rehan
20 December 2023, MVT 12:45
Reclamation efforts of Fushidhiggaru Falhu; entitled RasMale' by the current government-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
20 December 2023, MVT 12:45

Government launches ambitious land reclamation and housing initiative dubbed RasMalé in Kaafu atoll Fushidhiggaru Falhu.

The state has contracted Sri Lanka's Capital Marine and Civil Construction Company for the project, which was officially launched by President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu at a special ceremony on Monday, December 18.

At the ceremony held atop a barge over the Fushidhiggaru Falhu lagoon, President Muizzu announced the plan of reclaiming 1,153 hectares of land under the project.

He said that the reclamation, expected for completion within eight months, would be thrice the size of Hulhumalé.

Dr. Muizzu promised a permanent solution for long-held housing concerns by residents of Greater Malé region; inclusive of both Malé City citizens and migrants.

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu launches RasMale' mega project-- Photo: Mihaaru

"This is by far the largest land mass that would be reclaimed. We are calling the island RasMalé, and God willing, we are commencing the land reclamation of RasMalé", President Muizzu said while officiating the project.

The RasMalé mega-reclamation and housing project entails development of 65,000 units of housing inclusive of land plots and apartment buildings. President Muizzu promised developing Ras Malé as an Eco-City.

"The 65,000 housing units include both plots and flats according to the development plan.

"The age old predicament of housing restraints for the residents of Malé City will come to an end with Fushidhiggaru Falhu reclamation; we aim to solve it with this project. We also aim to extend affordable housing to the migrants living in Malé Region as well."

While officiating the project, President Muizzu said the island would have an elevation of three meters above sea level in the center and two meters at the edges. The island would be developed under an eco-friendly and carbon-zero approach.

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