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Chikungunya cases surge: 46 reported in April

HPA has stated that the cases of Chikungunya have surged this month and asked the public to take protective measures. They revealed that the number of cases observed in Male' region alone stood at 46 this month.

Aishath Shuba Solih
25 April 2024, MVT 09:55
Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital in Male' City.
Aishath Shuba Solih
25 April 2024, MVT 09:55

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) has said that the spread of Chikungunya remains at high rates this month and asked citizens to take protective measures.

Chikungunya is a viral illness that causes severe joint pain and fever. It is a mosquito-borne disease transmitted through mosquitoes infected with the Chikungunya virus.

Speaking with Mihaaru News, an official of the HPA said that 46 cases were reported this month from the Male' region alone.

Symptoms of Chikungunya

- High fever

- Headache

- Joint ache

- Rashes

- Increased fatigue

- Nausea and vomitting

- Loss of appetite

HPA has asked the public to promptly visit a doctor if these symptoms are observed.

Prevention of Chinkungunya

1. Wearing covered clothes to prevent mosquito bites, use of mosquito repellant lotions and sprays

2. Applying mosquito repellants on exposed skin

3. Closing doors and windows at dawn and dusk

Eliminate mosquito breeding grounds

1. Clean home appliances that collect water (such as dish rack trays) at least once a week

2. Change the water used to grow aquatic plants weekly

3. Refrain from disposing items that store water, such as empty bottles and cans, in public areas, and dispose of equipment used for construction work that collect water properly

4. Dispose of items kept or discarded in public areas that store water; place a lid over them or position them upside down to prevent water accumulation

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