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MDP's true colours are seen every time they lose power: Saeed

"Every single time MDP loses power, we get to see their true colours. And in the same way, every time they do get power, they will drown the citizens deeper and deeper," Saeed said.

29 February 2024, MVT 12:59
Minister Saeed speaks in a meeting in Noonu atoll.
29 February 2024, MVT 12:59

Minister of Economic Development and Trade Mohamed Saeed has strongly criticized the main opposition party Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) while addressing the people of Noonu atoll Holhudhoo on Wednesday.

Saeed alleged that MDP is a party that obstructs the development of and for the people and that their true colours are displayed every time they lose power.

Saeed said that former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih had left the country in a debt of MVR 120 billion.

"That President left his seat after placing our independence on a tray and gifting it to another people, trying to enslave us," Saeed remarked.

Saeed noted that as a former President, Solih receives about MVR 300,000 monthly from the State, pointing out that a large portion of this is meant to be used for social issues beneficial to the nation.

He said that contrary to this, he is seeing Solih working with MDP to create unrest in the country.

"In what country do they try to cuff the legs of a newly elected President, draw barbed wire around him and try to give him up to a mob? What kind of thought is this?"

Saeed said these words presumably in reference to the opposition's earlier statements regarding efforts to impeach President Dr Muizzu.

"My question is, shouldn't the former presidents, too, pitch in at this point and assist the President in his efforts to save the country from the dire situation it is in? But is that how the parliament is working today? Is that how the parliament with MDP majority is acting?"

"Every single time MDP loses power, we get to see their true colours. And in the same way, every time they do get power, they will drown the citizens deeper and deeper," Saeed said.

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