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Exclusion of Arabiyya development from budget; oversight

Mohamed Rehan
04 November 2022, MVT 11:30
Demolition old Jamaluddin School building-- Photo: Ministry of Education
Mohamed Rehan
04 November 2022, MVT 11:30

Mahibadhoo constituency MP Ahmed Thoriq brought to the parliament's attention the development of Arabiyya School building in the 2023 state budget.

Arabiyya School that has now become rundown was located in front of Ameeniyaa School. Earlier, students of the school were transferred to a temporary establishment after complaints became severe about the building's dilapidating condition. Many of the building's pillars and overall structure had become damaged and weak.

The students are currently using the former establishment used by Ministry of Foreign Affairs temporarily before they shifted back to their original office building following major renovations.

Earlier, it was confirmed that a new school will be developed at the plot of the old Jamaluddin School premises - the plot lying behind the current Jamaluddin School.

Thoriq, an opposition aligned MP, notified that development of the school was not included in the budget, despite the immediate need for one.

Meanwhile, Minister of Education Dr. Aishath Ali on last Wednesday, November 2, confirmed that exclusion of the school's development from the following year's budget was an oversight.

While Minister of Finance Ibrahim Ameer on Monday, October 31 announced the proposed budget for 2023, he confirmed allocation of MVR 34.7 million for Arabiyya School expenditure, but had not detailed about the development of a new building for the school.

The design and build of Arabiyya School and Jamaluddin School annexed building was contracted to Amin Construction earlier in September 29, 2022.

The contractor was conditioned to complete the project under 420 days. Project value is reportedly MVR 168 million.

The Minister of Education meanwhile has confirmed that Ministry of Finance is currently reassessing the budget to check for this oversight.

"We had submitted the expenditure detail of Arabiyya School development to Ministry of Finance, it was by an error that the detail was not reflected in the upcoming year's budget," the minister confirmed.