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Finance Ministry has recovered most of the over-deposited salaries

Lamya Abdulla
05 September 2021, MVT 16:04
(FILE) Ungoofaaru Regional Hospital: the salary deposit issue was faced by healthcare workers -- Photo: Ungoofaaru Regional Hospital
Lamya Abdulla
05 September 2021, MVT 16:04

Finance Ministry has recovered a significant amount of the money that was deposited to certain civil service employees by mistake.

The ministry is working towards recovering the entire amount by the end of this week.

Over 1,800 employees that work in the healthcare sector faced difficulties with the salaries that were deposited in their accounts in August. While some received more than their set salary, some employees received less.

This issue was faced by employees working in health centers and hospitals of five different atolls of Maldives.

Finance Ministry said they have recovered most of the extra money that was deposited to accounts. They would solve the issues faced by employees that faced problems due to underfunding as well, they said.

In a press release by the ministry on September 1, they said this issue was caused due to an administrative mishap, and necessary steps were taken in order to ensure to avoid such problems in the future.

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