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Ex-pres Gayoom to electoral watchdog over PPM Congress

Nafaahath Ibrahim
03 October 2018, MVT 13:30
Former President Gayoom speaking to the press. PHOTO: AHMED NISHAATH / MIHAARU
Nafaahath Ibrahim
03 October 2018, MVT 13:30

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom filed concerns at the Elections Commission (EC) on Tuesday about the recent Congress held by ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

The former PPM leader sent a letter addressed to EC president Ahmed Shareef. In the letter, Gayoom stated that since there was no reason to hold a congress, it was held in violation of the party charter, and thus the decisions made during the congress were invalid.

During PPM's Congress held on September 28, members were appointed for some leading roles within the party. President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom was elected as party leader along with four vice presidents.

According to Gayoom, such a congress can only be held after getting approval from the party's council. He also noted that the current council is not a legitimate council since, per the party charter, their term expired in January 2018.

Furthermore, Gayoom said that the party leader needs to approve the council meetings, and that he had been removed from that post unlawfully.

"This national congress was held in violation of the party charter and many leaders of the various party wings complained to the electoral committee. They complained that they did not appoint anyone to attend the gathering since no prior notice was given about hosting the congress."

In his letter, Gayoom pointed out that since no notice was given about appointing members to lead posts, some party members did not get the chance to apply or campaign for them.