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Four arrested over high-level theft in Maakurathu

27 January 2019, MVT 12:58
Aerial photograph of Maakurathu, Raa Atoll. PHOTO: SUN MV
27 January 2019, MVT 12:58

Four people were arrested on Saturday regarding the theft of a large sum of money from three government offices in Maakurathu, Raa Atoll.

Maldives Police Service disclosed that the four suspects, who were arrested under a court order, were two 21-year-olds, a 19-year-old and a 62-year-old.

According to Maakurathu Council, more than MVR 100,000 was stolen after breaking into the Council Office, Health Centre and Magistrate Court on Thursday.

Police further publicized that the safe in the Health Centre was stolen, while a large sum of money was taken after breaking into the safe in the Council’s Office.

The Magistrate Court safe was also broken into, but it did not contain any cash, Police said. However, money from within the Court offices were stolen.

Maakurathu Council revealed that prior to this, no theft has ever been recorded on the island, which houses a population of 1,300. The Council also said it was the most high-level theft that has ever taken place on the island.

“It wouldn’t be a lie to say that we don’t have criminals at all. This is a very peaceful island. Considering that, this is a very tragic incident”, Maakurathu councilor stated.