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JSC to suspend Maakurathu magistrate, probe High Court judge

Fathmath Shaahunaz
08 August 2019, MVT 10:26
Judge Hussain Shaheed (L) of High Court. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Fathmath Shaahunaz
08 August 2019, MVT 10:26

Judicial Service Commission (JSC) decided late Wednesday to suspend Chief Magistrate Adnan Hussain, of the magistrate court of Maakurathu, Raa Atoll, amidst an ongoing investigation against him.

JSC stated that the magistrate would be placed under suspension until the end of the commission's probe. While JSC did not disclose details of the case, local media Mihaaru cited sources that the investigation concerned sexual harassment allegations levied against Adnan.

The commission also decided to probe a disciplinary issue lodged against Judge Hussain Shaheed of the High Court. JSC did not share further information on the case.

Meanwhile, JSC is currently investigating Judge Hassan Ali of the High Court, while a request to probe Chief Judge Shujau Usman has also been lodged.

Furthermore, the commission decided during Wednesday's meeting to request the parliament to determine a phone allowance for all magistrates.

JSC will also forward an issue lodged against Chief Magistrate Ali Shareef of Maamendhoo, Laamu Atoll, regarding attendance problems, to the Department of Judicial Administration (DJA).

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