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No leniency; 15 days to settle MVR100-mil for environmental damages

Mohamed Rehan
08 March 2022, MVT 20:45
Minister Shauna had rejected Mainland Shipping's request for leniency--
Mohamed Rehan
08 March 2022, MVT 20:45

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has rejected the plea for leniency regarding the Fushidhiggaru case, demanding to settle MVR100 million in environmental damages within 15 days.

In 2015, a tugboat and barge had capsized over the house reef of Fushidiggaru heavily damaging the area. The vessels in question are identified as Muthaa Royal (tugboat) and Muthaa Grace (barge).

EPA has pressed charges against Mainland Shipping Private Limited, the proprietor company of the vessels on 14th March 2018.

Reports confirm that an area of 4,370 square meters of the reef was damaged due to the vessels capsizing.

Meanwhile, EPA had claimed that the exact environmental damage of the incident reaches over MVR110 million, however, the highest claim for damages under the Environment Protection Act in the Maldives is MVR100 million.

Since the court ruling, Mainland Shipping had failed to settle damages over the past four years before they had filed for a leniency request.

Mainland Shipping lodged its request with Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology Ms. Aminath Shauna.

However, the minister, who is highly regarded as a vocal advocate of environmental preservation, denied the request urging to settle the damages under the provided period.

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