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Deadline extended for new admissions in Male' Schools

The Ministry, in an announcement said that applications for new student enrollments in Male' schools and transfers between schools will be open until 14:00 hrs on Thursday, May 16.

Malika Shahid
14 May 2024, MVT 20:21
A classroom in session at Dharumavantha School -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Malika Shahid
14 May 2024, MVT 20:21

The Ministry of Education has decided to extend the deadline for new enrollments in Male' area schools.

The Ministry, in an announcement said that applications for new student enrollments in Male' schools and transfers between schools will be open until 14:00 hrs on Thursday, May 16.

Enrollments to Male' schools will be opened for:

- Students who wish to be enrolled in a foundation stage class in a government-run school

- New enrollments in Grade 1 at Male' schools

- Students who wish to transfer from private schools to government-run schools

- Students who have lived abroad and relocated to the Maldives who wish to enroll in a government-run school.

School enrollment requests received by the Ministry of Education in 2024

The Education Ministry said it had received 967 applications from parents requesting student transfers to schools in Malé from local islands for the new academic year, which begins on May 26.

Additionally, another 1,158 requests were also submitted to the Ministry to switch from one school to another in Male'.

The Ministry also released another set of statistics regarding Malé schools, indicating that a total of 2,163 requests were made for new enrollments in Grade 1 at Malé schools. This includes 1,192 application forms from Malé and 171 forms from other areas within the atolls.

Five year trend of student enrollment from atolls to Male' area schools

Student enrollments from the atolls to schools in the Malé area have been on the rise over the past five years. In 2020-2021, there were 480 enrollments, which surged to 1,500 enrollments in 2023-2024, before dropping to 967 in 2024.

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