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Male' City Council to provide buggy service in Villimale'

Anaan Bushry
14 March 2024, MVT 21:31
The buggies brought to Villimale' were showcased on the day of their arrival to the island in April 2023. Photo - Mihaaru / Fayaz Moosa
Anaan Bushry
14 March 2024, MVT 21:31

In a recent decision by the Male' City Council, the buggy service in Villimale' is set to make a comeback, following months of inconsistency under the management of Pink Sky Maldives, the previous service provider.

Initiated by the city council back in April of last year, the buggy service saw the introduction of 10 buggies, with an initial investment of MVR 2.9 million. Despite Pink Sky Maldives being paid MVR 390,000 monthly to provide the service, their inability to maintain regular operations led to prolonged service interruptions, leaving residents without reliable transport for several months.

Mayor Adam Azim, reflecting on the state of affairs upon assuming office last January, noted significant damage to many of the buggies. While two of them underwent repairs and were temporarily operated by the council, their overall condition remained subpar.

Drawing from his experience as the former CEO of MTCC during the inception of bus services in Villimale', Azim highlighted the demand for buggies over buses, citing their ability to offer door-to-door service, a preference echoed by many residents.

Azim put forth a proposal suggesting that the council take charge of the buggy service, advocating for the resumption of service either through repair of existing buggies or the procurement of new ones.

He emphasized that this approach would not only enhance service quality but also yield substantial cost savings. According to Azim, handing over the service to a company incurs an annual cost of MVR 4.7 million, whereas council-led provision would amount to just MVR 1.5 million annually.

The unanimous approval of Azim's proposal by the council members present signifies a collective endorsement of this initiative, paving the way for an improved and cost-effective buggy service in Villimale'.

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