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Two temporary markets established in Male, Villimale

Fathmath Shaahunaz
12 May 2019, MVT 17:19
The temporary local market being established in the former West Park grounds for Ramadan. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Fathmath Shaahunaz
12 May 2019, MVT 17:19

Male City Council announced two new temporary markets being established in the former West Park area in capital Male' and in the suburb of Villimale', for the ongoing Islamic fasting month of Ramadan.

According to Councillor Mohamed Fazeen, the open-air local markets will be in business for the duration of Ramadan, including the six days of fasting that follow in the month of Shawwal.

The majority of preparations, including the tent set up over the areas, have been completed.

"We're currently installing electricity. Everything will be finished before we hold the draw (to issue the stalls)", he told local media Mihaaru.

Fazeen revealed that the market in Male' will feature 32 stalls while 20 stalls will be issued from the Villimale' market.

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