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Water service disconnected from connected islands in Addu City

Water supply has been obstructed once more in Addu City due to a faulty RO Plant. Fenaka assured that efforts to fix the problem and reconnect the water service in Addu is presently ensuing.

Aishath Shuba Solih
24 March 2024, MVT 11:07
Managing Director of Fenaka Corporation Limited, Muaz Mohamed Rasheed.
Aishath Shuba Solih
24 March 2024, MVT 11:07

Islands linked together in Addu City has been isolated from the supply of water once again.

Mayor of Addu City, Ali Nizar shared with Mihaaru News that the water service was disconnected this morning due to issues encountered by the Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plant and raised concerns on the absence of an established water reservoir in Addu City.

“There were problems very recently too. Water supply is cut off with the slightest issue due to the absence of a reserve.”

Speaking with Mihaaru News, Managing Director of Fenaka Corporation Limited, Muaz Mohamed Rasheed said that efforts to obtain a pump is underway in order to restore the RO Plant back to functional conditions.

He had assured that a pump will be acquired at the possible earliest and Addu City will be reconnected with their supply of water after resolving the problem.

Addu had faced a water outage in December last year as well with their supply water service impeded due to delayed routine maintenance.