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RDC lays stone bricks back on Ameenee Magu to ease traffic flow

Mohamed Rehan
16 March 2023, MVT 10:38
RDC is currently installing bricks at the intersection of Ameenee Magu and Dhonan'dharaadha Hingun to allow traffic--
Mohamed Rehan
16 March 2023, MVT 10:38

The Road Development Corporation (RDC) on Tuesday laid stone bricks at the intersection of Ameenee Magu and Dhonan’dharaadha Hingun.

The corporation laid the stone bricks that were previously used on the road, so that it could open the road west of the State Electric Company (STELCO) to allow easier traffic flow.

An official from the RDC said that the intersection road has been closed because there are still construction projects going on in Ameenee Magu, so there is a lot of traffic in the area. Reopening the road will temporarily fix the problem, he said.

“The bricks will be removed once we are ready to lay asphalt,” he added.

Earlier, asphalt was laid by the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) from the easternmost point of the road connecting Boduthakurufaanu Magu up to the STELCO building. The area was recently reopened to the public.

The RDC subcontracted MTCC for asphalt laying to expedite the redevelopment since the corporation could not find a venue to install its tarmac machine. The corporation has closed the road leading up to the Furuqan Mosque, which is next to the Imaduddin School, for redevelopment work.

The road redevelopment project, worth MVR 84 million, is expected to be completed by September 2023, according to the Ministry of National Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure.

Even though it was announced that the contractor was working to lay asphalt up to Imaduddin School and reopen the area by Ramadan, the continued delays in the project have attracted criticism from the public.

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