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HRCM calls for protection of prisoners from extreme heat

Lamya Abdulla
28 April 2023, MVT 20:21
(FILE) Maafushi Prison: HRCM calls to control temperature in prisons -- Photo: Ahmed Awshan Ilyas
Lamya Abdulla
28 April 2023, MVT 20:21

The Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM) has called on authorities to ensure the protection of prisoners from the extreme heat currently affecting the Maldives.

In a statement released on Thursday, the HRCM noted that the Maldives Meteorological Service (MET) has predicted feels-like temperatures of up to 43 degrees Celsius. The situation therefore, requires special attention to be paid to the prisoners.

According to HRCM, prisons under the custody of the Maldives Correctional Service and the Maldives Police Service often have ventilation issues, leading to hot air being circulated around the facilities.

In light of the rising temperatures, the HRCM has requested that the relevant authorities make arrangements to ensure that prison cells in correctional, juvenile detention centers, immigration detention centers, police custodial prisons, and similar facilities do not become further overheated.

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