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Shukuri appointed as Principal of Iskandhar School

Iskandhar School welcomes a new Principal Mohamed Shukuri after former Principal Hussain Saeed left the school to take up a new position as Minister of State for Education.

Mariyath Mohamed
19 January 2024, MVT 18:33
Newly appointed Principal of Iskandhar School, Shukuri, at his graduation from Malaysia's Malaya University.
Mariyath Mohamed
19 January 2024, MVT 18:33

Mohamed Shukuri has been appointed as the new Principal of Iskandhar School. Shukuri has extensive experience through having previously served as Headmaster and Principal in many schools across the country.

Shukuri started out his career in education as an assistant teacher at Raa Atoll Maduvvari School in 1997. After serving in the position for three years, he left to pursue further education.

He later served as Headmaster at Haa Alif Atoll Ihavandhoo School and Haa Dhaal Atoll School.

On completion of his degree course, he worked as Principal of Raa Atoll Hulhudhuhfaaru School and Shaviyani Atoll Maroshi school.

After this, he went on to achieve his Masters degree. He then served as Principal of schools in Raa Atoll Alifushi, Maduvvari, Dhuvaafaru schools and Seenu Atoll Hithadhoo School.

He has served in the field for twenty seven years.

Shukuri has also completed a Headmaster course in Mysore, India. He also hold a Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language from the Maldives National University. He also holds a Masters in Education from Malaya University, Malaysia.

Shukuri was appointed to the position following the school's former Principal Hussain Saeed leaving his position to assume responsibilities as Minister of State for Education in the current government. Saeed served as the school's Principal for thirteen years.

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