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Ministry to delegate powers to school principals

Malika Shahid
04 December 2023, MVT 15:55
Education Minister Dr. Ismail Shafeeu meets with principals working in the Malé area last month -- Photo: Ministry of Education
Malika Shahid
04 December 2023, MVT 15:55

Education Minister Dr. Ismail Shafeeu has said that the ministry will delegate powers to school principals instead of centralizing decision-making on all school matters.

Upon assuming his ministerial role, Dr. Shafeeu informed Mihaaru News that there are regulations in place for the lease of school halls and other related matters. Despite these regulations, schools often seek permission from the ministry through letters to rent out halls, he said.

The minister expressed his vision to establish the best school management system through both words and actions. In line with this vision, he emphasized that school affairs would be delegated into the hands of the principals.

"My approach is to delegate such powers to the principals. They shouldn't have to come to the ministry for simple matters. I trust their discretion, and the authority to make decisions within the school will, hopefully, be systematically left to them," the minister stated in an interview on November 21.

Some organizations request the use of school halls for delivering religious sermons and other activities. Additionally, certain political parties also approach schools to rent their halls for meetings.

However, there have been instances in the past that the ministry objected to leasing halls when schools approached them for permission.

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