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PPM/PNC leadership congratulates Dr. Muizzu on candidacy

Mohamed Rehan
07 August 2023, MVT 17:03
PNC leader Abdul Raheem Abdulla (C) with the party's presidential candidate Dr. Mohamed Muizzu (R)-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
07 August 2023, MVT 17:03

The Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and People’s National Congress (PNC) coalition congratulated Malé City Mayor and PNC presidential candidate Dr. Mohamed Muizzu on Monday, August 7.

The coalition conveyed their congratulations to the PNC's candidate after Abdulla Yameen, the presidential candidate of PPM, acknowledged the joint senate's decision to participate in the elections on Monday.

After facing defeat in his appeal to the Supreme Court over the rejection of his candidacy, Yameen initially urged the coalition to boycott this year's presidential election on Sunday. The Supreme Court's ruling on Sunday upheld the EC's decision to reject Yameen's candidacy based on his constitutional ineligibility.

Despite Yameen's plea, the coalition members did not agree, leading to a joint senate meeting of PPM/PNC on Sunday afternoon. During the meeting, they decided to participate in the upcoming elections. Among the 126 members who participated in the senate meeting, 67 members voted against the idea of boycotting the elections.

Dr. Muizzu, joined by PNC leader Abdul Raheem Abdulla, Faresmaathoda MP and running mate Hussain Mohamed Latheef, as well as PPM’s Secretary General Mohamed Tholal, submitted the official presidential candidate's candidacy form.

During the ceremony, Abdul Raheem announced the former president's endorsement of Dr. Muizzu's candidacy, and his words were heard by the media officials present at the venue.

Abdul Raheem, who is currently leading political activities within the opposition coalition, took to Twitter to congratulate Dr. Muizzu and expressed his confidence in the PNC candidate's potential to win the election.

Guraidhoo MP Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon tweeted that Yameen's change of decision was a reflection of his love for the people.

"The entire membership of PPM has rallied in support to ensure victory for those two," Ghassan tweeted, expressing his backing for Dr. Muizzu and his running mate.

Yameen's running mate and his lead defense attorney, Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed, also extended congratulations to Dr. Muizzu.

"The best decision is for the coalition to put forward a unified candidate, and Yameen has also recognized the senate's decision," Dr. Jameel said.