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Nasheed sends letter to Speaker relinquishing MP salary following move to Ghana

Former president, Speaker and MP for Machangoalhi Medhu constituency Mohamed Nasheed has requested that his salary as a member of parliament be reduced.

Hanaan Hussain
01 April 2024, MVT 21:04
President Mohamed Nasheed, former Speaker of Majlis and current MP at an earlier parliamentary sitting.-- Photo: Majlis Secretariat
Hanaan Hussain
01 April 2024, MVT 21:04

Former president, Speaker and MP for Machangoalhi Medhu constituency Mohamed Nasheed has sent a letter to the Speaker of Parliament expressing his wish to relinquish his MP's salary.

Nasheed, who is due to serve as the first Secretary General of The Climate Vulnerable Fund (CVF), moved to Ghana in January to pursue his new role and has not been attending Majlis sessions since.

In a letter addressed to Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Aslam, former President Nasheed stated that there were many formalities for him to see through before being able to fully represent the functions of his new role with CVF. Nasheed also revealed that the Parliament of Ghana had already passed the resolution on forming the CVF Secretariat, and as such, he believed the related work would commence soon.

With his work now based outside of the Maldives, Nasheed has requested that his salary as a member of parliament be cancelled beginning the first of April until the end of the current term.

Meanwhile, the five-year term for the ongoing 19th People's Majlis will end within the month.

Although Nasheed has requested a halt in his salary, as former President of the Maldives, he continues to receive an allowance under the Presidential Protection and Allowances Act. The monthly financial allowance amounts to MVR 172,000, and including the MVR 73,000 in salary and allowances he received as Speaker of Parliament, Nasheed previously received a total of MVR 245,000 a month from the State.

However, upon assuming Speakership, in 2019, Nasheed requested the Ministry of Finance to deduct MVR 75,000 from the Former Presidents' Allowance and MVR 10,000 housing allowance that he was then receiving.

With these changes, it is estimated that former President Nasheed receives allowances amounting to MVR 160,000 from the state.

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