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Police shut down "drug cafés”

Lamya Abdulla
07 September 2021, MVT 12:13
(FILE) A photo taken from an establishment that operates as a cafe, providing drugs to customers -- Photo: Nishan Ali/ Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
07 September 2021, MVT 12:13

Police said legal warning has been issued to 25 households in Male' that operates as cafés for using drugs and narcotics.

These houses provide substances to their customers when ordered, similar to how cafe's and restaurants are operated. Most places have set tables for their customers as well.

In an operation started by the police on Monday, they said they had started to close such establishments. They also plan to patrol such locations 24 hours a day in order to ensure entry will not be allowed.

So far the investigation for eight such cases have been closed. Police said they were working on sending them to Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) for persecution.

PGO pressed charges against Hussain Yoosuf, the owner of a house called Brightflower in Maafannu, the previous week. This was the first time charges had been pressed against people that operate such businesses out of their homes.

Police has said they face obstacles in closing such establishments, often because the owners of the houses support the people that operate these businesses.

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