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Women Set to Lead Eight State-Owned Companies in New Government

14 November 2023, MVT 21:18
President Elect Dr Mohamed Muizzu.-- Photo: Mihaaru
14 November 2023, MVT 21:18

In a move to strengthen female representation in the upcoming government, President-elect Dr. Mohamed Muizzu announced on Friday that women will be appointed as managing directors for eight state-owned companies.

Speaking at the Social Centre, Dr. Muizzu emphasized his commitment to significantly increasing women's roles in the government, fulfilling a promise made during his campaign.

"This marks the highest number of women appointed to lead state-owned companies in any government," Dr. Muizzu stated during the meeting.

While specifics about the appointment of a woman as the Managing Director of the state-run media, Public Service Media (PSM), were not disclosed, Dr. Muizzu confirmed the historic decision. Additionally, he highlighted the inclusion of women as ministers in charge of three ministries within his cabinet.

The President-elect revealed the appointment of a woman as the vice-chancellor of the National University (MNU), underlining his commitment towards gender diversity in key positions.

Expressing his desire to encourage greater female participation in governance, Dr. Muizzu urged more women to contest in the upcoming parliamentary elections. He reiterated the party's commitment to providing a special allowance to women elected on a PPM/PNC ticket, in addition to their parliamentary salary and allowances.

Advocating for gender parity, Dr. Muizzu concluded by appealing to PPM/PNC coalition to elect women to 20 percent of seats in the parliament, reflecting a proactive stance towards achieving more equitable representation.

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