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Police tows 163 unlawfully parked vehicles and clears out Male' City roads

Police has towed 163 vehicles parked unlawfully in the streets of Male' City and cleared out the roads. Police said that an unregistered vehicle was also towed during the process.

Aishath Shuba Solih
15 June 2024, MVT 16:11
Towing of a vehicle parked unlawfully on the streets of Male' -- Photo: Maldives Police Service
Aishath Shuba Solih
15 June 2024, MVT 16:11

Police has towed a large number of four wheeled vehicles parked unlawfully across streets of Male' City over the past three days and cleared out the city roads.

Police stated today that 163 vehicles parked in ways that impede public transport was towed from June 13, last Thursday, until today.

In a message shared with local media, Police elaborated that 84 of these towed vehicles were parked unlawfully nearby Kalhuthuhkalaa Koshi all the way to Swimming Track.

They added that the remaining 79 vehicles were towed from Amenee Magu, starting from Dharubaaruge to the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) as well as Boduthakurufaanu Magu from Senahiya Hospital located nearby the SinaMale' bridge to Maagiri Hotel nearby Hulhumale' Ferry Terminal.

Police said that an unregistered vehicle parked on Izzudheen Magu was also towed during this process.

Towing of vehicles was once again begun after an hiatus by orders from the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation. The process was halted at the time owing to ongoing efforts to locate a premise for storing towed vehicles and source a tow truck used to tow the vehicles.

This administration had earlier decided to cease issuing parking violation stickers until designated parking spaces are built. However, following this, the roads of Male' City has observed a drastic increase in unlawful parking, especially in Boduthakurufaanu Magu.

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