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News / PPM

President Yameen elected as new leader of PPM

Fathmath Shaahunaz
28 September 2018, MVT 19:21
President Abdulla Yameen (C) was elected as PPM's leader, while Azima Shakoor, Economic Minister Mohamed Saeed, Tourism Minister Moosa Zameer and Abdul Raheem Abdulla were elected as deputy leaders during the PPM congress held September 28, 2018. PHOTO/MIHAARU
Fathmath Shaahunaz
28 September 2018, MVT 19:21

Ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) elected incumbent President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom as the party's new leader on Saturday.

President Yameen, who served as PPM's adviser, was elected as leader unanimously during the party's Extraordinary Congress held at Dharubaaruge convention centre.

Candidates who ran for PPM's deputy leaders were Abdul Raheem Abdulla and Minister of Tourism Moosa Zameer who currently serve in these posts, as well as Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Mohamed Shainee, and the President's Office's Minister of Legal Affairs Aishath Azima Shakoor.

The four deputy leaders elected in the congress are Abdul Raheem with 234 votes, Moosa Zameer with 220 votes, Mohamed Saeed with 168 votes, and Azima Shakoor who was appointed without a vote as she was the only female candidate.

Minister Shainee lost the running for deputy leader with 140 votes.

While PPM's congress was held behind closed doors, the party's official Twitter account brought live updates.

According to PPM, 10 amendments were submitted and approved to the party's charter during the congress. Details of the amendments have not been disclosed.

Meanwhile, 10 women have also been elected to PPM's Council, with Public Service Media (PSM)'s former presenter Heena Waleed receiving the most votes with 196.
