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Kuda Isse and Inan clinch champion titles at Randha Raalhugandu

Miglal and Inan won the Randha Raalhugandu competitions in the respective categories.

Ameera Osmanagic
30 August 2024, MVT 18:18
From the closing ceremony of the Randha Raalhugandu competition -- Photo: PSM/MSA
Ameera Osmanagic
30 August 2024, MVT 18:18

Local star surfers Ismail Miglal (Kuda Isse) and Mohamed Inan Abdul Hannan have been named champions of the Maldivian surf leagues' Randha Raalhugandu competition.

Miglal lifted the championship title in yesterday's open finals where he faced off against Ahmed Agil (Ammadey). Miglal secured 15.67 points with an impressive nine points on the seventh wave, while Ammadey finished with a score of 11.36.

Ammadey took the lead over Hoodh Ahmed (Hoobz) in the semi finals where he scored 7.17 and 9.67 on the two waves he rode, fishing with 16.84 points in total. Hoodh also came in strong with 8 points and 7.33 points and narrowly lost with 15.33 points.

This is the first time three time national champion, Miglal, now 42, took the winning title since Maldives Surfing Association (MSA) introduced a national league in the country in 2022.

Meanwhile, Inan shone bright at the junior champion in the under 18 category with 14.67 points, winning over Kayan Abdulla Rafeef.

In the finals yesterday he scored 6.17 and 8.5 points on the waves while Kayan lost by the slightest margin with 14 points by riding 7.5 and 6.60 point waves.

However, Kayan's points were higher in the semi final, finishing with 15.35 points. He won against Yaseen Ahmed Nashid who secured 12 points in the round. Along with the junior category, Kayan also surfed in the opens and gave his shot at the semi finals.

He lost to Miglal in the semi finals.

While Inan was titled junior champion of this tournament, he also took home the championship title in the surf leagues' latest Muleekolhu Raalhugandu championship.

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