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PNC forfeits tickets for Qasim, Siyam, and Nazim

Lamya Abdulla
26 January 2024, MVT 09:39
Photo of , President of Maldives National Party (MNP) Mohamed Nazim (L), Leader of Jumhooree Party Qasim Ibrahim (M) and President of Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) Ahmed Siyam: Chairperson of PNC Abdulraheem said they will be forfeiting the seats other political leaders are running for out of respect -- Photo: Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
26 January 2024, MVT 09:39

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and People’s National Congress (PNC) has decided to not compete for the seats some political leaders are running for in the upcoming parliamentary elections in March.

In a press conference held b PNC, their Chairperson Abdul Raheem Abdulla said no other contestant would be running for the seats that Leader of Jumhooree Party Qasim Ibrahim, President of Maldives National Party (MNP) Mohamed Nazim, and President of Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) Ahmed Siyam is running for. They are running for Maamigili constituency, North Maafannu constituency, and Meedhoo constituency respectively.

“As a way of showing respect to party leaders we are not running for these seats,” Abdulraheem said.

When PPM/PNC first announced their primary, they opened it for MDA and MNP members to contest with them. However, members of both did not wish to contest in the primary election of another party.

Even though PPM and PNC have decided to not run for those three seats, MDA, MNP and JP members will be running for seats PPM and PNC contestants run for. This includes Vice President of JP Aishath Nahula who is running for West Hulhumale’, Vice President of MNP Abdulla Riyaz’s older brother who is running for Thimarafushi constituency. MDA candidates are running for some seats in Noonu atoll as well.

Abdul Raheem said except for the three seats they have forfeited, they will be running for all other constituents, and this is in accordance with the initial agreement made between the parties as well. PPM/PNC’s primary election will be held on Saturday, January 27.

Two hundred and eighty-three candidates are contesting in this primary election. 13 candidates already have their tickets confirmed because only one person applied to run for the seat.

“When the primary is over, everyone should be ready to go forward with the selected candidate. The primary should not become something that disrupts the peace within us. Instead, it should become something that strengthens us,” he said.

Earlier, the decision was made to not accept the application forms of some contesters who wished to run for the primary, depending on the time they have served with the party, and on accusations of contributing to strife as well. However, after candidates and party members expressed their concern over this verdict, it was later revoked.

Despite this, some members decided to not run in the primary and withdrew their candidacy forms. Abdulraheem has said this will not undermine the party.