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PPM/PNC must win a large majority in parliament: Yameen

Mariyath Mohamed
31 October 2023, MVT 10:23
PPM Leader and former President Abdulla Yameen speaking at last night's gathering.-- Photo: Nishan Ali/ Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
31 October 2023, MVT 10:23

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Leader and former President Abdulla Yameen has stated that the PPM/PNC coalition must win a large majority in the parliamentary elections scheduled for April 2024 if they wish to serve the nation at their best and to maintain their presidency.

Yameen made these comments at the first gathering held at the PPM offices after the Maldives Correctional Services granted him leniency yesterday to leave the house for medical purposes.

He was previously on house arrest from the first of October, after having been in prison serving his 11 year prison sentence for a case of money laundering.

Speaking at last night's gathering, Yameen stated that the majority the parties would win in parliament would be used to uphold the rights of the public.

"We will use the majority to bring about changes where they are lacking in order to ensure the people's rights are protected. Even in our presidency from 2013 to 2018, we did not do anything that was not in the best interests of the people," he said.

"We must strive to win a majority. We will not let motions in parliament be thrown out. We will have the courage to debate and challenge when it comes to matters of national interest. If it something that will benefit the people, we will ensure that it is passed," Yameen continued.

While Yameen calls for collaboration between PPM and PNC in garnering support for the parliamentary elections, there have been rumours regarding possible rifts between President Elect Dr Mohamed Muizzu and Yameen. In his speech last night, Yameen indirectly responded to these rumours.

From how he describes it, the incoming administration is one he also has a stake in. He pledged that he would remain steadfast in ensuring the longevity of the administration, and in supporting all that the government undertakes for the betterment of the people.

Yameen also criticized the current ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and said that his party should aim to keep MDP permanently on the streets.

He further described MDP's plans to obstruct the inauguration of the President Elect as an uncivilized act, and stressed that it should not be allowed to happen.

Yameen said that the people had spoken by electing a President, and that the inauguration itself is symbolic in nature, which makes MDP's talk of boycotting it inconsequential.

Yameen stated that he woud be conferring with Muizzu on many topics. He further added that Muizzu would "receive pass marks" from him if in his presidency he managed to do two things: remove Indian military presence from the Maldives, and reclaim the lost sea territory in the south.

No other members from the leadership of PPM or PNC attended last night's rally. PPM Deputy President Ali Shiyam, who was seen at the commencement of the gathering, also left soon after it began. Yameen was then accompanied by his lawyer former Vice President Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed.