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Man arrested for death threats, theft against his mother

A 28 man is under investigation for snatching a phone off his mother after he also injured her and threatened to kill her.

Ameera Osmanagic
22 October 2024, MVT 22:54
Mohamed Ismail, the man accused of injuring, threatening to kill and snatching a phone off his mother --
Ameera Osmanagic
22 October 2024, MVT 22:54

A man has been arrested for physically harming, threatening to kill and, snatching her mobile phone from his own mother.

Maldives Police Service said that Mohamed Ismail, a 28 year old male, was arrested following a snatching case at the H13 Hiyaa Flat in Hulhumalé Phase 2.

Police responded to reports of loud crying from an apartment in the H13 building, where they discovered the situation. According to police, a woman answered the door when they knocked and explained what had happened.

According to the woman, her son, Mohamed Ismail, physically assaulted her, injured her with a knife, and threatened to kill her before snatching her mobile phone.

Police also revealed that the woman received treatment for her injuries and has now been discharged from the hospital.

Police are now investigating the case further.

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