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Marine Research Institute calls for a halt in dredging due to extensive coral bleaching

MMRI has called for a temporary halt in land reclamation and dredging due to the current increasing occurrence of coral bleaching in the Maldives.

Mariyath Mohamed
03 May 2024, MVT 10:28
Ongoing land reclamation at K. Fushidhiggaru Falhu
Mariyath Mohamed
03 May 2024, MVT 10:28

Maldives Marine Research Institute (MMRI) has on Thursday called for a temporary halt in land reclamation and dredging due to the current increasing occurrence of coral bleaching in the Maldives.

The statement released by MMRI stated that coral bleaching, occurring at various areas across the world, is a global phenomenon being faced by all oceans in the world according to America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI).

It further pointed out that this is the fourth instance where Maldives is facing extensive coral bleaching, and the second time within the last ten years that the world is experiencing the widespread issue of coral bleaching.

The statement emphasized that while the reefs are directly and indirectly connected to the livelihoods of Maldivians, all possible action must be taken to alleviate the effects of global warming on the reefs. It pointed out that taking such action is crucial to prevent any adverse effects that may be felt by the tourism and fisheries industries that rely on the reefs.

The institute noted that it continues to get reports of coral bleaching, and the issue is increasing since it was first recorded in Maldives in 1998.

They stated that the rate of coral recovery after coral bleaching is faster in the Maldives compared to other countries. However, human action in such a period may delay or hinder the recovery process of reefs, they said.

MMRI stated that the ongoing dredging, land reclamation, and beach nourishment projects in the country could, even if temporarily, cause harm to reefs.

"At this time when ocean temperatures are rising, and coral bleaching is forecasted, we call for a temporary halt to any activities that will cause stress to the reef environment (dredging, land reclamation, beach nourishing, and other such activities)."