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Graveyard Tales

Submissions by Maldivian poets for our poetry segment

21 August 2019, MVT 10:07
Snowdrops in early Spring... PHOTO: JONATHAN FARBER/UNSPLASH
21 August 2019, MVT 10:07

I am terrified of death.

Deaths that don’t induce a funeral,

Deaths that aren’t buried in a coffin

Or marked with a tombstone.//

Our love died,

Billions of people alive and no one else

Shed a tear about it

Except for the two of us.//

A thousand dreams and hopes die.

Yet, walking through a graveyard everyday,

And I don’t see a mere trace of them.

[My name translates to; a visitor]

My mind rushes with furious questions,

If I visit the world of eternity,

Will my words even make up a single sentence of this history.

- Lines by Lai

Lai is a 17-year-old finding the way of life through art and poetry. For more of their work, please visit:

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