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Plastic bag tax generates MVR 1.1 million in revenue

Anaan Bushry
14 June 2023, MVT 16:10
A woman purchasing a pack of bags sold by WAMCO for garbage collection. Last month, MVR 1.1 million was collected as plastic bag taxes. -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa
Anaan Bushry
14 June 2023, MVT 16:10

According to the latest data released by the Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA), revenue from the plastic bag taxes has reached MVR 1.1 million. In addition, non-tax fees have generated a total revenue of MVR 220 million, while the plastic bag tax contributed to 0.50 percent to the overall revenue.

Following the implementation of a MVR 2 fee per plastic bag, businesses have begun charging customers for previously free plastic bags in stores.

The introduction of the plastic bag fee is part of the government's efforts to promote sustainability and reduce plastic waste in the country, in accordance with amendments made to the Waste Management Act.

The law includes provisions that exempt the payment of plastic bag fees in certain cases, such as for unsealed bags used specifically for carrying fresh fish.

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