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Sports Ministry requests land allocation from Thilafushi for racing

Sports Minister Rafiu announced plans to develop a racing track in Thilafushi after the government has revoked racing and drift activities in Hulhumalé.

Ameera Osmanagic
10 September 2024, MVT 18:36
Minister of Sports Abdulla Rafiu -- Photo: Sports Ministry
Ameera Osmanagic
10 September 2024, MVT 18:36

A letter requesting land allocation for racing purposes has been sent to the Ministry of Housing today, revealed Sports Minister Abdulla Rafiu.

This comes as the government has revoked its previously issued permission for racing and drifting activities in Hulhumalé following the death of a young prison officer in a collision between a sports car and the motorcycle he was driving in Hulhumalé on Thursday night.

Rafiu said that he met with senior officials from both the racing and drifting associations to clarify their concerns. The meeting also touched on whether the current racing venues have the best health and safety measures in place, he said.

"Our team has been assigned to look into this. The activity, whatever the sport, should be a safe environment for the players and those who go to watch the sport," Rafiu said during the press conference at the President's Office today.

"So we held the meeting to see what could be done to achieve that," he added.

It is a presidential pledge of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu to develop a racing and drifting track in the Malé area. The minister said that work will start as soon as land is allocated for the project.