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Royal Aviation Academy to host an aviation networking event

Malika Shahid
20 April 2023, MVT 14:47
Some of the student studying at the Royal Aviation Academy -- Photo: Highrise
Malika Shahid
20 April 2023, MVT 14:47

The Royal Aviation Academy of the Philippines, which has trained a significant number of Maldivian pilots, will host an aviation networking session in the Maldives on April 29.

The event will take place at the Maldives National University Auditorium and will be attended by Royal Aviation Academy Head of Training Captain Madhu Puliyankalath and several senior officials from the academy.

Many pilots operating in the Maldives have received their training from the academy, which currently has more than 80 students, with another 50 having participated in the pilot training course this year.

The academy offers PPL and CPL, Multi-Engine, ATPL Theory and Ground, Flight and Ground Instructor courses.

Online registrations are open for those who wish to attend the event.

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