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MACL to send 10 employees for Hajj pilgrimage

MALC will be sending 10 employees for the Islamic holy pilgrimage of Hajj this year.

Ameera Osmanagic
10 May 2024, MVT 09:24
MACL sponsored Hajj trips for 10 employees this year -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Ameera Osmanagic
10 May 2024, MVT 09:24

Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has presented award letters to ten employees it would be sponsoring to go for the Islamic pilgrimage of Hajj this year.

The award letters were handed over to the ten lucky staff members by Managing Director and CEO of MACL Ibrahim Shareef Mohamed in a during ceremony held at Hulhumalé Island Hotel (HIH).

Acting head of Human Resources at MACL Ali Huzaim said that according to the common practice followed by the company with regards to sponsoring Hajj trips for employees, priority is given to long-serving employees, those who have not yet performed Hajj, and those who submitted their paperwork first.

He further added that MACL has initiated efforts to revise its policies, including the Hajj sponsorship policy, aiming to provide more benefits to its employees.

The company's Managing Director and CEO, Ibrahim Shareef Mohamed, also spoke on the occasion, emphasizing that despite some challenges with the Hajj sponsorship this year, the company was able to work with the government to make it possible, as it is something that the company prioritises.

He assured that the company will do everything in its power to continue this tradition of sponsoring Hajj trips even in the future.

MACL first initiated its Hajj sponsorship programme in 1998. However, it was temporarily discontinued for a period before being recommenced in 2017. The programme was halted again due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Last year, it was revived with five employees being sponsored for Hajj.

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