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Applications open for first National Food Safety board

Food Safety Board is tasked with advising the Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA) on food quality, nutrition, health safety, and providing solutions to challenges in enforcing the Food Safety and Security Act.

Malika Shahid
30 September 2024, MVT 12:47
Health Ministry Health Ministry
Health Ministry
Malika Shahid
30 September 2024, MVT 12:47

Ministry of Health has opened applications for the first-ever National Food Safety Council board membership.

Interested candidates can apply until October 10 in three specific fields including;

- Food science expert

- Representative of service recipients

- Representative of food establishments

The elected board members will serve a five-year term as part of the ten-member board. The Food Safety Board is tasked with advising the Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA) on food quality, nutrition, health safety, and providing solutions to challenges in enforcing the Food Safety and Security Act.

The board will also include:

- Director General of MFDA

- A representative from the Ministry of Health appointed by the Minister

- Head of the food safety and security at MFDA

- A senior employee from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) specializing in foodborne diseases

- A senior official from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade

- A senior official from the Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Resources

- A senior official from the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare, prioritizing experts in animal borne and plant diseases

Additionally, scientific committee, technical panel, and taskforces will also be established besides Food Safety board.

MFDA, re-established last month under the new Food Safety and Security Act, had not previously been governed by a separate law.

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