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Up to 36 people detained under SOE, lawyer claims

Nafaahath Ibrahim
05 March 2018, MVT 13:07
Police trying to control an opposition rally. PHOTO/HUSSAIN ALI/ MIHAARU
Nafaahath Ibrahim
05 March 2018, MVT 13:07

Lawyer Hisaan Hussain claimed that up to 36 people are still under arrest, under the state of emergency declared by President Abdulla Yameen on February 5.

While the police have so far not given any details on the number of people arrested or how many are still detained, the opposition claimed that 110 people were arrested under SOE and 31 still remain in custody.

However, Hisaan stated in a tweet that while up to 36 people are still detained, 34 of them are in Dhoonidhoo custodial centre, one in Gaafu Alif atoll Villingili island's police station, and one under house arrest.

The state of emergency was declared after the government’s decision to not follow through the Supreme Court’s landmark verdict February 1, which has caused a political uproar within the country. The verdict called to release nine high profile political prisoners and reinstate 12 expelled MPs.

Lawyers claim that the state of emergency was declared unlawfully by the government and thus the subsequent arrests were also illegal.

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