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Fee charged from private garbage disposal services reduced

VAMCO has declared they they are offering a MVR 310 reduction on the fee extracted from independent garbage disposal vehicles starting from the first of next month.

Aishath Shuba Solih
25 February 2024, MVT 10:40
Garbage placed on the streets of Male' City -- Photo: Mihaaru
Aishath Shuba Solih
25 February 2024, MVT 10:40

Waste Management Corporation Limited (WAMCO) has reduced the fee charged from vehicles of private garbage disposal workers in the Male’ area.

Presently, a fee of MVR 1,060 is charged for garbage disposal from independent facilities.

However, in the announcement released by WAMCO yesterday, the company stated their decision to reduce the fee extracted from private garbage disposal vehicles to MVR 750 effective from the 1st of next month.

Additionally, the announcement outlined that each vehicle of private citizens, state companies and state affiliated companies who seek services from garbage disposal facilities will be charged a service fee of MVR 150 in remuneration upon each drive to the WAMCO garbage site.

WAMCO further detailed that state facilities and state affiliated companies will be charged for their garbage disposal in consideration of the weight of the garbage within a rate of MVR 2,660 per one ton.

The company stated that facilities without bridges will be charging MVR 750 from citizens for garbage disposal.

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