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Parliament greenlights Fuad's reappointment to EC

Ahmed Aiham
13 November 2019, MVT 20:58
Former Elections Commissioner Fuad Thaufeeq was greenlit by the parliament for reappointment into the Elections Commission (EC). PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Ahmed Aiham
13 November 2019, MVT 20:58

The parliament on Wednesday passed to reappoint former Elections Commissioner Fuad Thaufeeq to the Elections Commission (EC).

Fuad's approval was greenlit by 70 MPs voting in favour. He was selected amongst other candidates including former legal director of EC Kaneefa Khalid and current Vice President of the Commission, Amjad Musthafa.

The nominations were presented to the committee as Musthafa's tenure will conclude on November 24. A total of 10 candidates were nominated for the independent institution which was formed 11 years ago.

Fuad was the EC chief since 2008, until he was sacked in 2014. He was sentenced to six months in jail and a three-year suspension. He maintains the decision was unlawful. His jail term was never observed.

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