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Elections Commission gives go ahead to PNF to hold inaugural gathering

After People's National Front submitted the requisite number of 3000 membership forms earlier, the Elections Commission has vetted them and on Thursday granted the party the go ahead to hold their inaugural gathering.

Mariyath Mohamed
05 April 2024, MVT 12:13
People's National Front / PNF meets with EC earlier to seek permission to register party.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
05 April 2024, MVT 12:13

After People's National Front (PNF) submitted the requisite number of 3000 membership forms, the EC has vetted them and on Thursday granted the party the go ahead to hold their inaugural gathering.

With Yameen's son Zain Abdulla Yameen as founder, the Elections Commission gave the go ahead to form the party in November last year.

In February, PNF submitted the minimum required amount of 3000 forms to EC to commence formalizing its registration. However, at the time, the EC found some of the forms to be invalid and did not grant permission to proceed with the party registration.

On Thursday, Elections Commission announced that PNF has now submitted 3000 valid forms, and that the party had been granted permission to conduct their inaugural gathering.

A political party is registered after submittance of 3000 membership forms, which are then verified by the EC, followed by the completion of the inaugural meeting of the party.

At the inaugural meeting, the interim leadership of the party is appointed, and the party's initial's management regulations are drafted.

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