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MPAO facilitates Hajj pilgrim through Pension Fund

Mohamed Rehan
10 May 2023, MVT 18:09
Mohamed Rehan
10 May 2023, MVT 18:09

Maldives Pension Administration Office (MPAO) has announced facilitating Hajj pilgrimage through retirement pension scheme.

The office has announced that all interested parties who wish to arrange for the Hajj Pilgrimage, which will be funded according to the retirement pension scheme regulation, should submit their applications. According to the regulation, the arrangement of the Hajj pilgrimage will be assigned to companies that are signed with MPAO.

Interested and registered pilgrimage service providers are requested to submit an expression of interest by May 14 via letter or by email to [email protected].

MPAO facilitated pilgrimage through the retirement pension scheme for the first time in 2019, where 13 pilgrims received funding. This marks the second time MPAO is offering this facility.

According to the retirement pension scheme regulation, individuals with a retirement balance of or above MVR 336,000 are eligible to have their Hajj pilgrimage arranged through the fund. However, those who have already performed the Hajj pilgrimage before, despite attaining the required balance, will not be eligible.

Pension fund provides 50 percent of expenses for the Hajj pilgrimage.

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