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PNC wins super majority with 71 seats, while main opposition MDP wins only 12 seats

Sunday's Parliamentary Elections saw ruling People's National Congress sweep in a huge victory, winning super majority in parliament with 71 seats.

Mariyath Mohamed
22 April 2024, MVT 09:11
PNC Campaign poster
Mariyath Mohamed
22 April 2024, MVT 09:11

Sunday's Parliamentary Elections saw ruling People's National Congress sweep in a huge victory, winning super majority in parliament with 71 seats.

Super majority can be gained through winning a minimum of 70 seats (three fourth of the total 93 seats).

Main Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), which previously held parliament majority and won 65 seats in the last parliamentary elections, saw an astounding defeat this election, winning no more than just 12 seats despite bringing out 89 candidates.

Although previously holding majority in large population hubs like capital Male' City and Addu City, this election, both these, as well as Fuvahmulah and Kulhudhuhfushi were won by PNC.

This year's election had the highest number of independent candidates contesting: 130 across the country. However, only 6 of these candidates achieved success in yesterday's election.

Government aligned Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) saw its leader Ahmed Siyam re-elected, as well as one more candidate garnering success.

Maldives National Party (MNP) also saw its leader Mohamed Nazim, endorsed by the government, win his seat, making one win for the party.

Similarly, Jumhoori Party, too, saw its leader Gasim Ibrahim being re-elected for the Maamigili constituency.

The Democrats, which was formed through splitting from MDP, failed to win a single seat in yesterday's election, seeing many long-serving parliamentarians lose their seats.

Adhaalath Party, too, failed to win any seats in yesterday's election.