The arson took place on May 28th, with one individual as the prime suspect.
Fairooz Ibrahim, the 36 year old Malé man accused of setting fire to the motorcycles parked in front of the parliament, otherwise known as the Green Zone, has been ordered to be remanded in custody pending the outcome of his trial.
The verdict by Criminal Court said that the case was filed by the Prosecutor General's office, and that they are in the process of pressing charges based on the evidence collected. As such, the state has requested to remand Fairooz, who has a record of priors, the order detailed.
The incident took place during the early hours of 28th May, which was seven motorcycles and a van being damaged in the fire. Out of the seven, three motorcycles were damaged beyond repair.
"This case concerns three motorcycles which were set fire to near the parliament. Based on how the crime was committed, it can be deemed as a dangerous act. The crime allegedly committed by this person is believed to have caused damage to many people's property and potentially the lives [of people] as well," the court order said.
It further detailed that enough evidence has been presented to suspect the individual based on the CCTV footage snapshots and other documents submitted by the prosecution.
The verdict also highlighted the defence's plea to relieve his custody based on a previous surgery undergone by the accused.
As such, the court ordered Fairooz to be given adequate health care, which if not provided would allow a review of the remand order.
The parking area of Green Zone in front of the parliament: Photo: Fayyaz Moosa | Mihaaru