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Shani Mohamed appointed as the first Registrar of Unions

Aminath Shani Mohamed has been appointed as the first Registrar of Unions on May 5 in compliance with the Industrial Relations Act.

Aishath Shuba Solih
25 June 2024, MVT 16:07
Registrar of Unions, Aminath Shani Mohamed.
Aishath Shuba Solih
25 June 2024, MVT 16:07

With the rights to incept workers associations and participate in the associations, Aminath Shani Mohamed has been appointed into the position of the first Registrar of Unions.

The Industrial Relations Act of Maldives stipulate that a Registrar to register workers associations and accept documents must be formed within a month of implementing the Act.

Shani was appointed to the position accordingly on May 5. This position mandates a five year term and a Masters Degree in a related field to qualify for the post.

Shani had previously fulfilled several directorial roles such as the Director of Ministry of Economic Development and Trade as well as the Assistant Human Resource Director at the Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Works.

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