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Ibu pledges more resorts in Haa Dhaal Atoll

Nafaahath Ibrahim
13 August 2018, MVT 21:27
Nafaahath Ibrahim
13 August 2018, MVT 21:27

Opposition coalition presidential candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (Ibu) has pledged to increase the number of resorts in Haa Dhaal Atoll, this increasing employment opportunities.

During his visit t Haa Dhaal Atoll, Solih and members of the opposition coalition were presented with a petition by the people Haa Dhaal Atoll Vaikaradhoo.

The petition requested for a resort to be developed in Haa Dhaal Atoll Vaikaramuraidhoo, a nearby island currently used for agricultural purposes.

Speaking to the people of Vaikaradhoo, Solih said that due to the lack of employment opportunities, a large portion of the island's population has been forced to migrate to capital Male. He pledged to solve this issue by developing more resorts in the area and increasing employment opportunities to locals.

As of now, the only resort in the area is the recently opened Hondaafushi Island Resort. However, the resort is yet to be completed.

Addressing the issue of incomplete resort on islands of Haa Dhaal Atoll leased for resort developments, Hinnavaru MP Solih stated that in an administration of the opposition, the government will find investment opportunities for these projects.

Futhermore, Solih also pledged to establish a sewerage system in the island.

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