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President Awards 10 people with National Award of Honour

Lamya Abdulla
22 October 2022, MVT 18:26
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (L) presents National Award of Honour to a receiptient on October 20 -- Photo: President's Office
Lamya Abdulla
22 October 2022, MVT 18:26

Government awards ten individuals with the National Award of Honour and 22 people with National Award of Recognition on Thursday evening.

At the ceremony held to award the winners in Dharubaaruge, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih presented the awards to the ten winners of The National Award of Honour.

The President's Office tweets about

These awards were given in the areas of Dhivehi Language and Literature, Social Services, Maldivian Culture and Traditions, Education, Health, Business, Environment, Energy, and Labour.

Winners of National Award of Honour

- Hassan Shakir Mohamed, Male', for Dhivehi Language and Literature

- Mohamed Shahid Haleem, Male', for Dhivehi Language and Literature

- Abdulla Aarooz, Gaafu Dhaalu Thinadhoo, for Maldivian Culture and Traditions

- Ahmed Nashid, Male', for Health

- Dr. Mohamed Anward, Seenu Meedhoo, for Education

- Mohamed Zaahir, Male', for Environment and Energy

- Zareena Ahmed Didi, Seenu Feydhoo, for Social Services

- Ahmed Ali Manik, Male', for Social Services

- Mohamed Solih, Male', for Business and Economy

- Aabidhaa Ismail Ali, Male', for Labour

The National Award of Recognition was awarded to 19 people in addition to Autism Association, a private company, and DeTune Band.

The awardees are selected by a special committee appointed by the President.