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State to appeal HC order to reinstate Yameen Rasheed's sister

The State plans to appeal at the Supreme Court the High Court’s decision to reinstate Aishath Rasheed, the sister of blogger Yameen Rasheed who was brutally murdered on 23rd April 2017.

Uzma Naseem
24 March 2024, MVT 16:53
State to take Yameen Rasheed's sister's reinstatement request to Supreme Court. -- Photo: Mihaaru
Uzma Naseem
24 March 2024, MVT 16:53

The State plans to appeal the High Court’s decision to reinstate Aishath Rasheed, sister of blogger Yameen Rasheed, who was brutally murdered on 23rd April 2017.

Aishath was dismissed from her position as Assistant Director of Police in August 2017 for attending a demonstration that marked the third year since the forced disappearance of Minivan News journalist, Ahmed Rilwan. This march was held just months after her own brother, a close friend of Rilwan, was murdered.

Prior to Yameen’s murder, he was an unwavering ally in the search for his friend Rilwan, who was forcibly disappeared since 8th August 2014. Yameen was always at the forefront, lending his voice and support to the numerous demonstrations and efforts organized by family and friends to find Rilwan or get justice for him.

Aishath was accused by the Police Disciplinary Board of participating in a demonstration that was politically charged and accusatory against the police. The board claimed that the demonstration was more focused on criticizing the police rather than advocating for the rights of a [forcibly] disappeared individual. However, the investigation was conducted with charges of having participated in a gathering which contravenes the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly Act.

Aishath’s dismissal from the Maldives Police Service came four months later, following the murder of her brother Yameen.

Last month, the High Court ruled that she should be reinstated, receive six month’s salary and compensation after the Civil Court had ruled against her.

The State filed an appeal in the Supreme Court last week.

However, the Supreme Court is yet to make a decision on accepting the case.

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